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Inspiration & Adrenaline Today

Inspiration & Adrenaline Today | Mojo for Great Altitudes.

Who said one can't buy time? Learn and apply everyday - buy time!

When presented with second, third or even forth chance to do things the right, take the opportunity and make a difference.
When presented with second, third or even forth chance to do things the right, take the opportunity and make a difference.

In formal education exams distinguish ‘brilliant and poor students’ as results are presented in standard gradings. I tell you, upper grades are so prestigious. Ooh I’m sure you know how it is like to get an A - the brilliant or exceptional student, a wiz! You get the entire honor, and some ephemeral glory – they call them celebrities or iz’khokho in my area.

However you, also know how it is like to get an UNGRADED/FAIL (U/F) – dullest or lazy stupid student. Yah it’s that bad, I’ve been there. Usually you get convinced that you are an outright loser in life. If it happens that it is your usual range, you just would be ready to give up or never try anything. Because, to you, the ‘truth’ is, you can never do anything better. People, even closest people like friends among others reflect such messages and you just feel like a bag of waste.

We get many chances to learn in life, mostly every day. It’s either through advices or experiences. James Allen puts it this way - ‘‘as a progressive and evolving being, man is where he is that he may learn that they may grow and as he learns the spiritual lesson which any circumstance contains for him, it passes away and gives place to other circumstances’’. Therefore, we are in every situation to learn so we can be able to stand tests.

Applying, even little of the knowledge we get can help us see the great people within us. The results are usually great. They bring up some self-trust. I personally believe that’s all you need for a massive resurrection of your confidence. After the small victory or success, you have the boldness to consider the knowledge acquired during the learning process, wisdom.


Because you applied it well and caused you to be happy. You are, to automatically stand on much of the facts and observations you gathered. The facts you got in the learning process and say, “I’m born for greatness, I exist for that. I’m here to shine”. That way, you won’t hesitate to apply your knowledge one by one. Such boldness, confidence and self-assurance is the ultimate and only set of wheels to growth and movement from nowhere to somewhere, from nobody to somebody. I assure you; before you know it, you would have changed your life for good.

People pass at school. They pass with good grades. The same applies with life; we are given advices or taught by experience. We apply the knowledge obtained well and get happy. We move from one place to another. Great!

However, it is not always the case with the majority of us out there. Usually the result of applying such knowledge is frustration and the feeling of defeat. In common school, some students fail with very poor grades. This usually brings sheer hopelessness in both the student and the teacher, even the parents and friends. Mostly students would have failed to apply well what they learnt. Sometimes they might have forgotten the facts. This is accounted for by either lack of practice or less of reading of notes. You agree with me that some don’t even take notes and so they won’t have anywhere to read from. Progressively, corrections are given.

Once given the corrections and the cause for previous failure; i.e. less practice and reading of notes. Students are motivated to get in track and flow with both mates and the teacher to avoid the past and unpleasant performance. It remains true, though unfortunate, that others repeat the same cause for failure. This is mostly because of peer pressure and sometimes mob psychology. Distractions come in the form of sweet but short-term benefits such as sleep or playing which steal time and energy from the student.

Sadly, they fail again.

Some, unfortunately, give up to living substandard lives, filled with mediocrity and strife. They become victims of economy downturns and other environmental circumstances. They become negative and bitter, quick to blame parents, peers and teachers, sometimes even spouses and political leaders. They adopt negative language and the rest of life’s problems find them magnetic and follow them. They default to a pathetic life which they are likely to pass on to their children.

On the other hand, some made use of corrections and chose not to repeat the cause for failure. And they pass beautifully and victoriously. Truman Capote says, “failure is the condiment of success”. It’s so sweet to pass after you once failed. There are very slim chances that the wisdom slip your intelligence. It’s a treasure, “the one that can’t be torn or stolen” as my dad, Mr. Douglas Gwede once echoed.

Life become so meaningful that focus is the common virtue these people. Life is filled with an indomitable spirit and confidence. These people can do anything; they dominate and are almost perfect. They aren’t victims of economic downturns and circumstances but call the shots. Responsibility is their virtue.

They adopt positive language, and are optimistic people. Success and victorious lives find them magnetic and follow them. They default to success and a feeling of power. Like the former, they pass on this to their children and coming generations

When presented with second, third or even forth chance to do things the right, take the opportunity and make a difference. Daystar TV network has a philosophy that says, “Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending, only a new beginning”.

Anthony Robbins writes in Re-Awaken the Giant Within, “The difference in the results that people produce comes down to what they’ve done differently from others in the same situations. Different actions produce different results. Why? Because any action is a cause set in motion, and its effect builds on past effects to move us in a definite direction. Every direction leads to an ultimate destination: our destiny”.

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough" – Mae West


Let’s get learning and make progress guys. Let’s ditch all that pathetic life of regrets once and for all and START A NEW LIFE. Of responsibility and LEARNING!!!

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